Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Back to the Basics

I haven't written in a while...and once again I am excited about getting back into the routine of life.

I went on vacation with family for a couple of days and had a wonderful time! There is nothing quite like being with people you love.

However, as I try to reorganize life, unpack, do the laundry and figure out what I am making for dinner - I realize that what I want to do is spend time with God. I will confess that I have not been reading my Bible and I miss it. I miss being intimate with my creator.

I want to go back to the basics. Back to a simple routine where the day starts with prayer. I want to do my part to be in a relationship with God.

As I opened my email (and momentarily got discouraged because the inbox was full) I decided to read the one from Walk in the Word. I receive weekly emails from James MacDonald that always remind me to reset my priorities.

Are you ready to reset your priority?

Here is a message that will encourage you!

"As followers of Jesus Christ, we all fall short; none of us is everything God calls us to be (James 3:2). Repentance is the way to deal with the next thing that God would change in you. The follower of Christ presses hard after God, going after the joy found in an honest relationship with God.

I asked the Lord to give me some insight so that I might probe your thinking on the following.

Some of you have left a church where you used to worship. Is everything right between you and the believers there? Forget their failure - did you do and say what was right? Or did you sow discord or cause division? Today, deal with your part. Ask God to forgive you and make it right.

Is your marriage cold? Have things been left undone or unsaid? Has your attention been elsewhere? You've focused on your spouse's failure; now look at your own. This is first an issue between you and God.

Maybe you've cut a corner in your business dealings; you've injured someone's reputation and his or her career has been hurt. Have you asked God to forgive you? Have you asked that person to forgive you?

Maybe you struggle with a private sin. God will forgive you if you sincerely repent. You can go forward without this besetting sin. It could start today.

How willing we are to repent reveals our sincerity in following Christ. Who will join me in saying: "I want to be right with God - whatever it takes; whatever it costs." By James MacDonald

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