Thursday, July 1, 2010


I have a bad habit of starting things, but never really finishing them. At least that is true when it comes to goals. I often verbalize that I want to accomplish something, but with time even I forget what it was that I was going to accomplish.

While recently talking about this with my friend, Genevieve, we decided it would be a good idea to keep each other accountable - and hopefully that would inspire us to accomplish our goals.

We met up and wrote down (on a napkin, since we forgot to bring paper) our goals. The big ones and the little ones as well.

To tell you the truth, having my goals written down is quite scary. I read them and think that I will NEVER accomplish some of them. It feels like life is too short to accomplish so many things.

Despite being super intimidated, I want to work hard to move forward. I want to live life with a purpose. I want to be more disciplined!

I am not not ready to share ALL my goals with the World Wide Web, but I will go ahead and share a couple of them.

  • Learn to sew
  • Go skydiving
  • Go on a mission trip with John
  • Run a 5K
  • Publish a book
  • Have a garden

Believe me, the list goes on...

I plan on writing about how I am doing with my goals and my hope is to inspire some of you to start working on your goals as well. If you are like me - and have a hard time following through with your goals, I suggest you share a list of your goals with someone you trust. Think of someone who is a great support who would be happy to embark on this new journey with you!


  1. wooooo! Goals rule! of course sometimes they suck. whatever. good work!

  2. those are great goals! I want to run a 5k with you this summer. Let's try to find one during July. woah, it is July.

  3. I am not sure I can be ready in just a few weeks. I have not exercised in a while...


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