Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Bedtime Routine

Sariah learned to pull herself up practically overnight. We found her on her knees in the crib last week and she was standing the next day. For an almost 8 month old, standing is the coolest thing ever. She is now spending 60% of the day pulling herself up on chairs, sofa, windowsill, bathtub, dishwasher, bouncy chair, etc.

Unfortunately, standing up has created some bedtime challenges.

I have been following our regular night time routine...but Sariah is too excited about standing to actually go to sleep. This is what the past few nights been like:

  1. Bath 
  2. Lotion time
  3. Saying 'night night' to daddy
  4. Nursing 
  5. In crib with lights off
  6. A few minutes pass and Sariah starts crying - while standing in her crib
  7. I lay her down, wrap her in her blanket and kiss 'nigh night,' she sucks her thumb and all is well
  8. A few minutes pass and Sariah starts crying - while standing in her crib
  9. I lay her down, wrap her in her blanket and kiss 'nigh night,' she sucks her thumb and all is well
  10. Repeat 10 times
Sariah knows how to stand, but doesn't know how to get down, so she stands until she gets tired and then cries for us to come help her. I can't wait until she figures out how to slowly sit down!

Well, I say "I can't wait," but I also know that she will soon learn to walk and run and before I know it she will be ready to get her driver's license. So, I CAN wait, because our little girl is growing up way too fast!

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