My friend Krista and her husband Jae are celebrating two years of marriage today! I can hardly believe that two years has gone by. Krista and Jae got married at the same church John and I got married in - but their wedding was a few weeks before ours. I remember watching her get married while thinking...
..."In just a few weeks I am going to stand on that same spot and I am going to marry my best friend!"
Their wedding was beautiful and Krista was a stunning bride.
Two years later and I got to take pictures of the happy couple.

..."In just a few weeks I am going to stand on that same spot and I am going to marry my best friend!"
Their wedding was beautiful and Krista was a stunning bride.
Two years later and I got to take pictures of the happy couple.

We LOVE LOVE LOVE these photos and are *anxious* to see the rest of them!!!! You really are becoming a great photographer Danielly!