I survived a dentist appointment early in the morning. I very much dislike going to the dentist and if it depended on me I would go only when something is wrong. However, I KNOW that is not the best thing to do and I AM thankful for health insurance that pays for dentists and doctors.
After not eating all morning, I had Dim Sum with friends. I had no idea what Dim Sum was until yesterday. I am still not sure how to explain it...let me try....We went to a restaurant where the food is placed on carts and the waitresses serve you whatever you want from those carts. I ate lots of shrimp and yummy rice.
I then got in a wonderfully heated car (it was sunny and hot yesterday) and drove to go pick John up from work. Thursdays are our date nights and I was excited to spend this warm evening with John. He showed up with these pieces of paper and told me to read them. They were tickets to the Cirque du Soleil!!! I had mentioned multiple times that it would be fun to go to the circus - especially because I have not been to a circus in more than a decade.
We had a wonderful time and I still can't believe the things I saw. The wheel of death and the really flexible women were my favorite.

Hey we went last night! We thought it was pretty neat.