Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Community Living

Last night, John and I watched the documentary "Happy" and I can't stop thinking about the community living homes in Denmark.

Where can I find something similar in the United States?

It is so easy to feel alone and isolated in my own home. Sometimes a whole day goes by when I realize I have not talked to anyone since John left to work in the morning. Well, now I spend my days talking to Sariah...but these conversations are more like a monologue at this point.

I would love to live in a community where neighbors:
  • share meals everyday
  • help each other take care of the kids
  • plant a community garden
  • spend time together
  • etc...
I recognize that living in community can have its challenges, but I truly believe that we miss out on living a more joyful life because we are so individualistic.

Individualism and I have never gotten along and I dream of living in community. Just thinking about it makes my heart rejoice...but I don't really know how to turn this dream into reality. Any ideas?


  1. I am want to do that! More like a community farm with separate living houses for families! Community garden and livestock is really tempting! As it would spread the workload across several families. The hardest thing I think would be to deal with laziness.... People are people some may slack off and mooch of the others. This would ebe hard to deal with relationally. Otherwise.... With separate homes to allow for privacy for each family, I have wanted to do his for a long time!

    However... Americans are seeped in the idea of every man for himself. It'd be really hard to find a quality group of people who wanted to in today's society. That's why I started a mommies group on Facebook... Online community of local moms with similar interests & beliefs. Quite valuable.

  2. My friend lives in an intentional community in Brooklyn (, and it's always been on my mind as an option. There is the possibility of owning a home larger than you need in order to have space for renters (of a similar mindset), or if that is too close for comfort, what does it mean to invite your neighbors into your house for meals every week or so? Good questions Danielly, and I think I'll look into that movie ...

  3. Jen, I think there is always a certain degree of difficulty when living in community because we are all imperfect human beings. However, I believe that God calls us to live in community, even when it is hard, messy and beyond what we are comfortable with. Whenever I mediate on the Word, I see God calling people into circumstances that are not comfortable, but ultimately lead to spiritual growth and bring Him glory. Virtual communities can be a blessing, but too often those relationships do not reach the depth and intimacy that a ‘face-to-face’ community naturally creates.

    Becca, that Brooklyn neighborhood sounds incredible! John and I would love to share a house with another family that has a similar mindset. We have just started thinking about it…and we’ll be praying that God shows us where to go from here. Do you want to move to Bellingham and share a house with us? :)


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