Friday, November 30, 2012


Day 1: Thankful for time alone with my husband.
Day 2: Thankful for the time I get to spend with other mommies and their babies.
Day 3: Thankful for a family that is willing to make sacrifices to spend time together.
Day 4: Thankful for the beautiful Autumn colors.
Day 5: Thankful for a healthy daughter who is growing way too fast.
Day 6: Thankful for opportunities to learn more about photography.
Day 7: Thankful for a caring husband.
Day 8: Thankful for God's unconditional love.
Day 9: Thankful for gluten free food.
Day 10: Thankful for friends who are willing to drive 4 hours with their toddlers in order to visit us.
Day 11: Thankful for afternoon naps.
Day 12: Thankful for a fridge full of food.
Day 13: Thankful for the Internet.
Day 14: Thankful for a clean home.
Day 15: Thankful for the heater.
Day 16: Thankful for all the baby items we have received as gifts.
Day 17: Thankful for a restful day.
Day 18: Thankful for the opportunity to see friends we had not seen in a year.
Day 19: Thankful for a husband that wakes up in the middle of the night and feeds the baby so I can keep sleeping.
Day 20: Thankful for the easy access we have to health care providers.
Day 21: Thankful for the time we will spend with family this week.
Day 22: Thankful for opportunity to see Sariah chatting and laughing with her grandparents.
Day 23: Thankful for my mom's gift of hospitality.
Day 24: Thankful for time with friends.
Day 25: Thankful for our church family.
Day 26: Thankful for a Moby Wrap - without it I would not have been able to accomplish much today.
Day 27: Thankful for telephones because they allow me to stay connected to the people I love who live far from me.
Day 28: Thankful for the Holy Spirit and his convictions.
Day 29: Thankful for a washer and dryer.
Day 30: Thankful for a morning date with John.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Community Living

Last night, John and I watched the documentary "Happy" and I can't stop thinking about the community living homes in Denmark.

Where can I find something similar in the United States?

It is so easy to feel alone and isolated in my own home. Sometimes a whole day goes by when I realize I have not talked to anyone since John left to work in the morning. Well, now I spend my days talking to Sariah...but these conversations are more like a monologue at this point.

I would love to live in a community where neighbors:
  • share meals everyday
  • help each other take care of the kids
  • plant a community garden
  • spend time together
  • etc...
I recognize that living in community can have its challenges, but I truly believe that we miss out on living a more joyful life because we are so individualistic.

Individualism and I have never gotten along and I dream of living in community. Just thinking about it makes my heart rejoice...but I don't really know how to turn this dream into reality. Any ideas?

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Two Months Old

I just want to squeeze her!

  • Loves being naked and will stop crying the minute we take her clothes off.
  • Takes a bottle of breast milk a few times a week and gets nipple confused from time to time, but she never says 'no' to milk.
  • Began wearing cloth diapers and did not notice the difference.
  • Discovered her tongue and spends quite some time making sounds with her tongue every day.
  • Likes to play on her floor mat every day! Mommy loves hearing her laugh and talk to her new little friends!
  • Gets a tummy ache when mommy eats spicy food.
  • Tries really hard to not stay asleep when she is in her crib.
  • Started sleeping with her little hands open and arms stretched out. Her hands are so tiny and perfect!
  • Has many nicknames like: little squirt, little one, baby girl and ninja baby.
  • Has been waking up at 8:30AM and as soon as she sees mommy or daddy she smiles excitedly. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Baby Dedication

In our church, we dedicate children, believing they are gifts from God. This follows Jesus’ example displayed in Mark 10:14, 16, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them.”

This past weekend Sariah was dedicated to the Lord and it was such a joy to have our family present.

Sariah got to wear the same dress I wore when I was dedicated - more than 26 years ago. The little dress was a gift from my grandmother and I felt so honored to have photos of my daughter wearing it as well!

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