Thursday, January 12, 2012

How is the New Year Going So Far?

Well, I am not sure how this is possible, but it already feels like Christmas happened a long time ago. Am I the only one who feels this way?
Here are a few things that have made up 2012 so far:

·         My Christmas cactus continues to bloom with no signs of stopping! Last year it had a grand total of four flowers…this year, I stopped counting after 30.

·         I am trying to eat less rice and more ‘other kinds of food.’ I will keep you updated on this one. Yesterday I managed to eat lots of potatoes and no rice!

·         My first photo session of 2012 was great even despite the indecisive weather and some rain.

·         I have had a cold that refuses to go away despite the fact that I take my Vitamin C daily. I have very little energy and it is SO hard to get out of bed every day.

·         I received a birthday gift from a dear friend in the mail and I smile every time I see the gifts.

·         John and I started talking about what we want to do to celebrate our 4th anniversary this coming July. I can’t wait!!!

·         My To Do list keeps growing but I don’t feel very motivated to start working on it.

·         I have not cleaned the bathtub in 2012 yet. I am confessing that I REALLY dislike cleaning the bathtub and I have been procrastinating…hoping that it will miraculously clean itself sometime soon.

·         I am cold all the time – but I am sure you are not surprised by that.

·         I will be photographing a wedding next weekend and I am so excited!

·         John and I started reading the One Year Bible and I am really enjoying reading it together. Sarai’s interaction with God in Genesis always makes me laugh.

·         Watching the Planet Earth series only makes me want to travel to every single existing country.

·         I bought a giant bag of black beans this past weekend. Before we know it we will be eating black beans for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Yum!

Well, that is all for now. I hope 2012 is treating you well this far!

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