Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Living in the Present

I am not very good at dealing with changes.

While I would like to describe myself as a spontaneous person, I love having a routine that I can rely on. I am a planner and I like to know what the future holds ahead of time so I can prepare. For example: I like to know which days of the week are going to be busy so I can cook multiple meals ahead of time to make the busier nights more relaxing. I organize everything on a calendar which helps me remember when and what I need to do.

My only problem is that life never goes as planned. As a result, I often get overwhelmed while trying to figure out what to do next. 

Needless to say, I am having a hard time with the many changes that are coming up in the near future. 

In a couple of months, John and I will be moving to a new city, which means that I will have to adapt to a new routine, home, church…

I keep thinking about these changes, trying to figure out how I can start planning so we have a smooth transition when the time comes.  The problem is that I don’t know how to plan a new life. I keep thinking and thinking about it – and come up with no plan at all.

I have realized that instead of living in the present, I am surviving each day while looking at the future. This makes it very hard to focus and be productive.

I know that each day of life is a gift and that God has prepared work for me to do and right now I feel like I am not honoring Him with my time.

Finding a balance is so hard…and tiring! I need to turn my brain off for a bit.

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