Friday, December 10, 2010

Life Recently

Can you believe it is almost Christmas time? A part of me feels like it was just Christmas a few months ago…but here it is again! I am very much looking forward to celebrating the birth of Jesus with family.
Meanwhile, I am attempting to build a new routine – still. You are all probably sick and tired of reading about me trying to build a new routine. Sorry! But the routine is well in the making and my brain is doing way better than a few weeks ago (right after I started a new job). By the way, I should tell you a couple of things about my new job. I am the Fund Development Associate for a nonprofit that provides tutoring services for first through twelfth graders in low income neighborhoods. I love my job! I am learning a lot about fundraising, grant writing and tutoring. It has been a hard transition, but it has been very worth it.
As far as other areas of life…well, here is a list of things that come to mind:
·         I decided to not get a Christmas tree this year, but I am already sad that we don’t get to decorate a tree. By the way, I am not sure how a pine tree got to become a part of Christmas…and I must say that I get a tree because a real one smells good and I think it is super cute when it is all decorated with non-blinking clear lights! However, I refuse to let the lack of a tree take away the joy of my Christmas. Seriously, Christmas should always be about Jesus and nothing else.
·         I need a haircut really bad.
·         I pretty much ate yams every day this past week.
·         John and I had a much needed date night last night. It is hard to find time and energy to be together these days. I like to think this  time in life is preparing us for life with children.
·         I just cleaned the bathtub.
·         I really dislike cleaning bathtubs.
·         A lot of good things happened this week and I feel very thankful.
·         I have a couple of photography opportunities coming soon and I am so excited! Stay tuned.
·         I love tutoring!
Well, the list could go on and on, but I am sure you have had enough by now. I hope you have a good and relaxing weekend. Take some time to reflect on the ways you have been blessed this last year.


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