Wednesday, June 25, 2014

These Two!

We try to go on walks as a family as often as we can during these warm and sunny evenings. John normally gives Sariah a shoulder ride and I decided this weekend that I needed to capture the extreme cuteness that I get to enjoy on a day to day basis.

Sariah likes to give John 'head hugs' ... but these hugs are now accompanied by a drooling mouth and a very loving daddy who doesn't mind a bit of drool all over himself.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Twenty-One Months

  • Is really into reading - favorite book is "Put Me in the Zoo"
  • Tries to wink
  • Walks around the house singing and dancing
  • Has a lot of opinions about clothing these days
  • Misses Dada when he goes to work everyday
  • Can identify a few emotions: happy and sad
  • Enjoys playing with other little ones
  • Is very motherly to all her stuffed animals and dolls
  • Refuses to leave a hair tie on for more than 5 seconds
  • Undresses herself when awake in her crib...mommy has been on poop clean up duty
  • Likes to watch videos of herself
  • Sits down on a specific chair in the kitchen and tells us stories 
  • Is great at eating with a fork
  • Accidentally peed in the potty for the first time
  • Is a World Cup fan!

Friday, June 13, 2014

A Father Like Him

Sariah Faith has no idea that not every baby has a daddy like John. She has no idea how much he loves her. She has no idea how much she has changed him.

No one can make him laugh the way she does.

No one looks at him the ways she does.

There is nothing quite like the relationship between a daddy and his little girl and seeing these two together melts me again and again.

Happy Father's Day to my John! I could not wish or hope for a better father to join me in this crazy parenthood adventure.

John and Sariah the day she was born.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Being Her Mother

I remember feeling nervous about motherhood when I first found out a little person was growing inside of me. I was afraid of messing this little life up in a million different ways. That little person is now a toddler who likes to imitate me - which is adorable and terrifying. It is cute that she tries to walk around the house wearing my heals, it is cute that she 'takes photos' with my phone, it is cute that she tries to put on my pearl necklace. It is not so cute that she also imitates my not-so-great behavior as well.

Having Sariah around is like having a 24-7 shadow that is helping me change in really hard, but good ways. I am working on remaining calm when her tiny self is throwing a fit about something insignificant for the 5th time today because she needs to learn that there are other ways to deal with frustrating situations. I am working on understanding and respecting John because she needs to see what it is like to love and be loved. I am working on eating healthier because she needs to discover that there is more to life than eating bread. I am putting my phone away when I spend time with her because she needs to feel that I truly want to be with her.

Being a mother is hard and at times I feel so intimidated and inadequate.

But I am changing for the better and I am thankful that being Sariah's mother has given me more than enough motivation to change in really hard and good ways.

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