Dear Readers,
It has been a while. How are you?
If you live anywhere in the United States with the exception of Seattle, you are probably snowed in…doing everything possible to stay warm.
Instead of waking up to snow, I woke up to clear skies and I saw the sun rise as I drove to work. The horizon looked like it was on fire - streaks of pink, orange and red surrounded mountain peaks covered in snow. The view was truly breathtaking.
Unfortunately, the rest of my day was spent in front of a computer in an office. The little portable heater kept me warm all day long and at some point, I forgot that it is still winter in the Northwest. But I was brought back into reality as I walked to my car at the end of the day. The beautiful sunshine was gone and I wished I was wearing socks. Just so you know, I was wearing really cute red flats!
My drive home was uneventful:
There was traffic – but it wasn’t horrible.
I listened to really loud music.
I talked to God like I normally talk to a person who might be sitting on the passenger seat right next to me. I asked Him to help me prioritize the things in life that really matter.
You see, I have been pretty bad about prioritizing what should be priorities. I have let the laundry, dishes, email, errands, grocery shopping…become my number one priority. I have put God and my marriage aside in order to take care of countless TO DO lists.
I mentioned in my previous post that I often wish I could add one, two or three hours to the day. However, I cannot live wishing and hoping. In reality, I cannot add a second to time and 24 hours is all I have. So, I am working on making some changes. I don’t really know how my plans are going to play out, but I want to make a commitment to let go of the things that don’t matter and devote myself to the things that do.
I want to start a devotional and remain faithful to it. I want to come home and enjoy the time I have with John. I want to go to bed before midnight and I want to get up feeling refreshed.
I want to have enough energy to actually enjoy a date night and I want every night to be date night! (Ok. I know that is not really possible, but it sure would be fun).
So, what needs to change in order for all these wishes to come to existence?
I am not exactly sure. I need to share my responsibilities with John and not try to do everything on my own. I need to trust that the world will not fall apart if I don’t wash the bathtub at least every other week. I need to be disciplined with ‘free’ time. I will have to sacrifice some things that I really enjoy – because of other things that I truly love.
As most of you have already noticed, I haven’t been writing as much as I used to. There is a part of me that becomes sad every time I look at my blog’s archive for the month of January. I managed to write five posts last month. Five posts that hardly describe the state of my current life. I wish I could say I will be writing more often from now on. But I know I can’t. It is not because I don’t have anything to say (I always have something to say) – it is because it is time for me to step away from the computer and step into the arms of my husband.
I miss him!
John recently accepted a job offer at a small software company. He has been gone for training and I can hardly wait to see him in a few days.
I miss his touch, his voice, his silliness, his hugs.
Like I said, I miss him.
And I look forward to our time together this weekend!
P.S. Although I will not be posting often, I still plan on posting. This blog has become a sort of journal for me and I enjoy having some down time to focus on what is going on in life. So, don’t quit reading :)