For our first anniversary, John and I got to go to the gorgeous Mt. Rainier.
Since we have been going on hikes together since the beginning of our relationship, we were very excited for the chance to get our legs hiking in various locations at the Mt. Rainier National Park.
This place is so beautiful we could barely believe it. So, we ended up taking about 500 pictures! We really just couldn't get over the majestic mountain, the hills covered with wild flowers, the beautiful sunshine and the gorgeous views everywhere we went. Our vacation together was relaxing and enjoyable.
On July 19th, we sat down and watched our wedding ceremony video together. It is amazing to think that just a year ago we walked down the isle to each other. One thing is for sure, I couldn't imagine life together was going to be this good!
here we go...
"The Lord reigns, let the earth be glad; let the distant shores rejoice. Clouds and thick darkness surround him; righteousness and justice are the foundation of his throne. Fire goes before him and consumes his foes on every side. His lightening lights up the world; the earth sees and trembles. The mountains melt like wax before the Lord, before the Lord of all the earth. The heavens proclaim his righteousness, and all the peoples see his glory." Psalm 97:1-6
Well, since I did not have a blog when I got married, I thought it would be fun to post a couple of pictures from our wedding day! John and I got married on July 19, 2008 at a beautiful church. We are very thankful for family and friends who helped make this day very special.